So what have I been up to? Lately I've been working with Roardog on a fun android app called STD Transmitter. I did all the graphics and Rory did all the programming. We're looking at pairing this with a "scanner" app too in future.
Hopefully now we've got ourselves with a basic grounding in the android platform we can look at expanding into more in-depth applications.
If you have an android phone please check it out here.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
More App Graphics
I finished some of the final graphics for an app I've been helping make. I was trying to do some basic 1950s looking illustration.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Another Background!
I've finished my last background for an app I've been working on with Roardog Development .
Final touches are underway and should be hitting the android marketplace soon.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Flying - Animatic
I made this animatic a few years ago. I was promptly reminded of it the other day when I had a pigeon stuck inside my lounge and had to catch. Although it's looking pretty rough, crappy and underdeveloped I would like to go back to it. Maybe redevelop and turn into a small short
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
White Stripes Typography Animation
I did this White Stripes Typography animation a while back... It's actually got the most views of anything I've put online despite being the thing I've put the least time into. Oh well! The most exciting bit was getting some markers out and drawing all the little elements and type!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
My Housemate is a Cannon
A short animation me and my lovely girlfriend made for my brothers birthday.
Another Background
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Breathe Concept Sketches
When creating my portfolio website I got to dig out some old preproduction stuff. I particully liked finding some old water colour concept sketches I did for my Advance Diploma animation Breathe.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 now Live!
My new web portfolio is now live. Check out a selection of my work and keep you eyes peeled as I try and get my new showreel and content online ASAP.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Android Development - New app!
I've been working on the graphics for a new android app I'm working on with Roardog Developments. Check out the image. Trying to get a nice textured look. I'll upload more detail on the app once it's out.
Android Development

I've been working on a Android App, Traffic Light Changer with Rory from Roardog Developments. The app went live about a month ago. So far we've had around 20,000 downloads and been ""one of the hottest 10 apps on AppBrain" twice. A pretty good reaction to a simple joke app.
Rory is responsible for the programing side of things and I took on the role of doing animation, design and preparing graphics.
If you've got an android phone check it out. We've got another app on the way soon.
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